Grape Stomp

1:00 to 2:00 Celebrity Grape Stomp Showdown
(2 Heats)
2:00 to 4:00 Contestant Grape Stomp
( 4 Heats)
1:30 to 2:00 Celebrity Grape Stomp Off
(1 Heat)
2:00 to 4:00 Contestant Grape Stomp
(4 Heats)

Returning this year, the Festa Celebrity Grape Stomp! Bay Area mayors will face off—with their feet!
Winners of the first two heats will now go against Former San Jose City Councilmember, Pierluigi Oliverio on Sunday as defending 2023 Champion San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan, will not be able to attend
94.5 KBAY morning radio host, Lissa Kreisler, will emcee the event.
The mystery stomper has also been named, it's NBC Bay Area Weather Anchor, Cinthia Pimentel. Read more in the lastest media release here.
It takes a team of two people, one stomper and one swabby. The stomper stands in a barrel full of grapes and crushes out the juice using their bare feet. The swabby stands below the barrel and keeps the juices flowing into the jug. Simple right? Come out and try your feet at the Italian Family Festa.
SIGN UP at the Grape Stomp Stage.
No pre-registration is available.
BASIC RULES - Contestant Stopms
The Grape Stomp will consist of a total of 4 heats, each heat will last 1 minute.
Winners of the first 3 heats will advance to the fourth and final heat to determine the grand prize winner, and second and third place.
Each team will have a barrel filled with equal amounts of grapes.
Team members who are stomping must use bare feet.
A mason jar will be used to collect the juice.
The juice will be measured by our judges.
The team collecting the most juice in their heat will be the winner.
Ages 12 & older may compete.
Photo opportunities for younger children will take place after the competitions
There will be towels and water made available for cleaning.